Starting Miniposts
This is the place for links, and the first one, quite properly, is to the Miniposts plugin itself.
This is the place for links, and the first one, quite properly, is to the Miniposts plugin itself.
From, 15 books for kids who (you want to) love Linux and open source, Plus, three books for babies. Its’a good list. I’ve added some of these books to my Open Source Software page.
Linux Magazine has an article with a list of 15 quality Linux games.
This post is solely for the purpose of testing how to embed an Adobe Edge Animate file using the WP OAM Renderer plugin. (The sale is real, however, and available at Energion Direct.) [oam id=”798″]
I’m testing this post. If I’ve acquired a following via RSS, please ignore and forgive this and a couple of following tests.
MSNBC has an interesting story here.
Testing the system!
(Note: Page author Henry Neufeld is compensated for sales made through links on this page.)