
I received an e-mail from the folks at Blogrush announcing Trafficjam. I’m testing Blogrush on my Threads blog, with marginal results. Part of my problem with click-throughs is my headlines. Mine are too long and not catchy enough, but they’re what I use. I like informative. Note that while I’m writing about it here on my company blog, I’m testing it on my personal blog.

But the big problem, as I see it, is that stats are delayed, some posts never appear at all, and the total value I get from the Blogrush widget is minor. I’m leaving it there for a few more weeks to get a better idea, but thus far, I’m not impressed.

And that leads to this new TrafficJam. I reviewed some of the posts there, and in general it’s simply not sufficiently “now.” I like to respond to posts within a couple of days of when I see them, and even that is much too late. The top posts on TrafficJam were from 2/21, and it’s the morning of 2/23. They’re going to have to get faster than that.

I’ll keep an eye on it and post if it looks better over time.

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