
WordPress 2.5 Write Post Buttons

I had a number of missing buttons on my “Write Post” page after upgrading to WordPress 2.5. Since I upgraded a number of installations of WordPress at the same time, and most of them work, I came quickly to suspect an upload problem. Note that I’m not talking about missing icons in the visual editor, which some have fixed by uploading the images again, but rather a large amount of the information that goes with the tags, categories, and so forth below the edit window.

There is probably a single file that was not properly uploaded, but I fixed it by uploading the entire wp-includes directory again. That’s probably killing a gnat with a sledge hammer, but in this case it was probably faster than tracking down any details.

<strong>Update:</strong> This also fixed a problem I was having with dragging widgets to position them. That now works correctly as well. All things considered, I think it was a good idea just to upload the whole directory!

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