Another Test Post Locally to Compare with Postie
Testing the system!
Testing the system!
Check out this story. Of course your mileage may vary. I’ve heard good and bad stories about almost every vendor. Caveat Emptor!
The Phantom Flex is probably not your next video camera. The price has yet to be announced, but will doubtless be high. But you (I) can drool.
I’m testing this post. If I’ve acquired a following via RSS, please ignore and forgive this and a couple of following tests.
MSNBC has an interesting story here.
Linux Magazine has an article with a list of 15 quality Linux games.
OK, here’s what all this testing has been about. On those of my blogs that use MiniPosts, any post received via Postie will not appear on the main index page. If I edit the post and save it again, they do appear. The reason for this bizarre behavior is that somehow posts via Postie are…
(Note: Page author Henry Neufeld is compensated for sales made through links on this page.)