
Adapting to Technology

I just reluctantly switched to cellular service only.  I did so reluctantly, even though we were receiving less and less calls on the landline phone.  Essentially all it was doing was eating away money.

I’m also learning to keep all my tasks listed, my calendar updated, my contacts annotated, and generally my whole life organized in my Palm Centro with Sprint.  It may seem like a small step, but it’s a giant leap for me–right into the 21st century.  Oddly enough, despite being just over the half century mark, I’m enjoying it.

I thought of that when I read War of the Worlds: The Human Side of Moore’s Law, (HT:  evangelical outpost) because the author expresses the difficulties we are having as individuals, as businesses, even churches, and as a whole society in not merely adapting to, but embracing and fully using new technology.

We’re going to need to lose our fear of telecommuting.  We’re going to have to get over looking down at non-resident degrees.  Are we so sure those degrees in residence are so wonderful after all?  How much money might we save by holding many classes through technology, and essentially eliminating the traditional idea of a school?

At this point, all of us need to get ready either to adapt or to be left behind.  To use the common cliche, we need to think outside the box and do it constantly, not just as an occasional exercise.  I’ve already decided that my publishing company, Energion Publications, will always be virtual, and will embrace print-on-demand technology for more than just producing a small percentage–it will be our primary technology.

But that’s only a small piece of the puzzle.  The future is upon you, and if you don’t react quickly, it will be the past before you even know it’s here!

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