Switched Header to Baseball Theme
In honor of John Webb pitching for the Pensacola Pelicans, I’m featuring a picture of a game going on at the Pelican Park here in Pensacola. I’ll have to fix the text color.
In honor of John Webb pitching for the Pensacola Pelicans, I’m featuring a picture of a game going on at the Pelican Park here in Pensacola. I’ll have to fix the text color.
Update: It obviously worked. Simple Tags was the only plugin to complain so far. WordPress has gone to 2.6 beta, and I’m trying it here. Despite the dangers of beta software, I usually go ahead and work with it. Please have patience during the upgrade process.
Please note the new telephone number for both Energion Publications and Neufeld Computer Services. It is now 850-525-3916. If you are a current customer who has my cell phone number, that is unchanged. This change is only for the office phone.
Tom Durst is a friend of mine who lives in Washington state and has written a number of helpful essays on faith and spirituality. Some of his essays were hosted on biblepacesetter.org which will no longer exist after the end of the year. I have designed a new site for him and am now managing…
I’m about to upgrade this blog. It may be temporarily unavailable. I’ll post an update in this post when things appear to be back to normal. Update: The upgrade was quick and without glitches. WordPress 2.5 appears to be running well with all my normal plugins.
Over the last couple of days we had some problem with the domain record for Energion.com, which I own. Yes, I paid my bill. The name servers changed, though it doesn’t appear to be a highjack. In any case, I expect that domain to be accessible again sometime in the next 24 hours or so….
I’ve upgraded to a Palm Centro with Sprint, thus moving into the 21st century, or so my kids and wife tell me. One would think someone as involved with computers as I am would be OK with phone devices, but I’ve resisted anything that does more than dial, and provide me with a single type…
(Note: Page author Henry Neufeld is compensated for sales made through links on this page.)