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This link is very helpful.
This link is very helpful.
This guess post at Greg Laden’s blog gives one man’s experience switching to Linux. It’s a repost from 2009, so the version numbers are a bit different (Ubuntu is at 11.10 now), but it still gives a pretty good idea of what to expect. I would add the strong recommendation that when you switch operating…
I’ve been running Odoo on a Linode (1GB). I used Ubuntu 16.10 and the LAMP stack and things worked quite well. For what it’s worth, with three not-very-intense users, Odoo with inventory, accounting, sales, and project worked quite well on that minimal system. Because I wanted easier management of the system, I decided to switch…
I wanted to promote this comment to a post to make sure it’s noticed: BibleDesktop has been released with parallel Bible viewing. There is an option to show the differences between any two versions of the Bible in the same language. That was one of the key things I wanted, and I’m glad to see…
This is an interesting article. I wonder if he’s right. I dislike Microsoft quite a lot, and generally I see this as one more reason. It would be nice, of course, if they became an ally on the patent issue as Shuttleworth suggests. In software patents have definitely become the enemy of innovation.
This is just a short note. I couldn’t go much further without recommending my key tool without which I could not live. That is jEdit with a variety of plugins. By itself, jEdit is an excellent little text editor. With plugins it can provide a wonderful development environment. I tried test versions of a number…
Back in July I commented on installing Bible Desktop. Since Bible study is such a major part of my life, both professionally and personally, having some usable Bible software available is an important part of being able to make Linux work for me. I’ve now upgraded to version 1.0.7 and I see considerable improvement in…
(Note: Page author Henry Neufeld is compensated for sales made through links on this page.)