It looks like President-Elect Obama will have to give up his Blackberry when he drops the -Elect. Ouch! I sympathize!
It looks like President-Elect Obama will have to give up his Blackberry when he drops the -Elect. Ouch! I sympathize!
I have samples of the ability to watch TV on my Palm Centro, but frankly I’m not that dedicated to TV watching in the first place, and in general the picture looks too small for me. But this may be another case where my personal tastes make me miss a real revolution. According to this…
Two devices, the HTC Desire and Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 get a side by side rundown by @gizmag. Both end up with some serious negatives, but also some really good potential. It’s worth a read.
Back in my earlier days in electronics, as the glaciers receded, the NiCad battery was a new, great, and often expensive thing. We were taught to frequently let the battery drain and then recharge, as the cycle helped condition the battery. I get asked this question frequently regarding modern cell-phone batteries, and I admit my…
As a happy user of the Palm Centro with Sprint I would love to get a look at the Palm Pre. Jason Hiner has, and reviews it here. There’s motivation to work on my marketing–work it into the budget!
Back in 1978-1979 I was in my final year of college and was teaching part time at a small private school. I have always been fascinated by electronics, and a bit of an early adapter. At that time, the big technology issue for classrooms was the use of calculators. If children used calculators in class,…
Wordfence has an excellent post on this subject. While their post is aimed at WordPress users, the ideas are good for any password. My own comment is this: Use MFA – multi-factor authentication. This is accomplished in various ways, such as an app on your phone, a texted code, emailed code, and so forth. It takes…
(Note: Page author Henry Neufeld is compensated for sales made through links on this page.)