Converting PDFs in Ubuntu
OK, here’s another short hint: How to convert a PDF to PNG in Ubuntu–quickly. I’ve generally worked with PDFs on my Windows system, but this may cut that down.
OK, here’s another short hint: How to convert a PDF to PNG in Ubuntu–quickly. I’ve generally worked with PDFs on my Windows system, but this may cut that down.
I wanted to promote this comment to a post to make sure it’s noticed: BibleDesktop has been released with parallel Bible viewing. There is an option to show the differences between any two versions of the Bible in the same language. That was one of the key things I wanted, and I’m glad to see…
This guess post at Greg Laden’s blog gives one man’s experience switching to Linux. It’s a repost from 2009, so the version numbers are a bit different (Ubuntu is at 11.10 now), but it still gives a pretty good idea of what to expect. I would add the strong recommendation that when you switch operating…
For those who may be even slower than I am, let me link to the solutions. Basically, upgrade your Pidgin to 2.5.7. Here is an explanation of the problem, and for those who use Ubuntu, as I do, the easy solution is to add the Pidgin repository here, do an update, and restart Pidgin. Mine…
A very nice post at Linux Magazine explains the benefits of Aptitude and the basics of how to use it. Aptitude takes the apt-get command and provides a menu driven system. This is one of those nifty old menu systems that runs in your terminal window. Enjoy!
I have encountered serious difficulties with sound and sound editing on my Ubuntu (Hardy Heron) machine. I’ve blogged about it before, and how I kept using Audacity on my Gutsy machine and even did some editing under Windows to produce my podcast. I’ve had moments with the Hardy machine, but it was hard to extend…
My never ending quest for better clip art sources (I can’t draw a straight line with a ruler), and my desire to make Ubuntu more and more usable for all my work needs, converged with It’s a good source, and you can install it in Ubuntu with your Add/Remove command. But then, where is…
(Note: Page author Henry Neufeld is compensated for sales made through links on this page.)