IBM + Sun
Good for open source? Matt Asay thinks so. (Via @jasonhiner on Twitter)
Good for open source? Matt Asay thinks so. (Via @jasonhiner on Twitter)
I’ve been running Odoo on a Linode (1GB). I used Ubuntu 16.10 and the LAMP stack and things worked quite well. For what it’s worth, with three not-very-intense users, Odoo with inventory, accounting, sales, and project worked quite well on that minimal system. Because I wanted easier management of the system, I decided to switch…
… by creating an operating system based on their Chrome browser, which would be great for all of us, I think. Details here (
My never ending quest for better clip art sources (I can’t draw a straight line with a ruler), and my desire to make Ubuntu more and more usable for all my work needs, converged with It’s a good source, and you can install it in Ubuntu with your Add/Remove command. But then, where is…
This is an interesting article. I wonder if he’s right. I dislike Microsoft quite a lot, and generally I see this as one more reason. It would be nice, of course, if they became an ally on the patent issue as Shuttleworth suggests. In software patents have definitely become the enemy of innovation.
Well, here I am playing around with my new Ubuntu machine again, and being a Bible teacher and writer, I obviously want Bible software on any machine I’m running. A little effort found me the Sword Project, and it’s related materials. I intend to try out GnomeSword, and I’ll write about it when I do,…
This time it’s from Serdar Yegulalp at Datamation. There does seem to be an “everything must be free” attitude in the open source community. I don’t know enough to say whether this results in precisely what the article suggests, but I have had difficulty with getting drivers, and I can certainly testify that the graphics…
(Note: Page author Henry Neufeld is compensated for sales made through links on this page.)