Netbeans 6.8 Available
It’s one of my favorites for web site work as well as use as a programmer’s platform, and it’s available for download.
It’s one of my favorites for web site work as well as use as a programmer’s platform, and it’s available for download.
I have encountered serious difficulties with sound and sound editing on my Ubuntu (Hardy Heron) machine. I’ve blogged about it before, and how I kept using Audacity on my Gutsy machine and even did some editing under Windows to produce my podcast. I’ve had moments with the Hardy machine, but it was hard to extend…
Well, here I am playing around with my new Ubuntu machine again, and being a Bible teacher and writer, I obviously want Bible software on any machine I’m running. A little effort found me the Sword Project, and it’s related materials. I intend to try out GnomeSword, and I’ll write about it when I do,…
I have just downloaded OpenWatcom C/C++ to try. Since I rarely use C++ professionally any more, but still like to tinker, I want to see if there is a good open source option for me to play with. For maintenance of existing projects, of course, I will stick with my Borland C++ Builder 6. I’ll…
Jason Hiner of TechRepublic, in an article titled The market has rejected Linux Desktops. Get over it shows that Linux market share in desktop computing has hung in the +/- 1% ranger for a decade and suggests this is unlikely to change very much. He cites a number of reasons, but I think the most…
Back in July I commented on installing Bible Desktop. Since Bible study is such a major part of my life, both professionally and personally, having some usable Bible software available is an important part of being able to make Linux work for me. I’ve now upgraded to version 1.0.7 and I see considerable improvement in…
A middle school teacher in Austin, Texas confiscated Linux disks from a student, because, she told him, it was not possible that Linux was free and what he was doing was illegal. Storis on blog of Helios and nixCraft.
(Note: Page author Henry Neufeld is compensated for sales made through links on this page.)