Quality Linux Games
Linux Magazine has an article with a list of 15 quality Linux games.
Linux Magazine has an article with a list of 15 quality Linux games.
While I started working online with a 300 baud modem and later operated a bulletin board at the same speed (eventually adding 1200 and then-oh joy!-2400!), I’m relatively new to Linux, and wasn’t even aware that w3m was available. Linux Magazine has a brief writeup on it, and I was amazed at how well it…
My never ending quest for better clip art sources (I can’t draw a straight line with a ruler), and my desire to make Ubuntu more and more usable for all my work needs, converged with OpenClipart.org. It’s a good source, and you can install it in Ubuntu with your Add/Remove command. But then, where is…
Ubuntu Productivity provides a good list of apps, short reviews, and links (HT: OpenOffice.org Training, Tips, and Ideas).
I think this is a fairly good list. This might help folks deciding whether they can afford to use a Linux station at the office.
I upgraded by Feisty Fawn Ubuntu to Gutsy Gibbon yesterday and all went well. The only user note I have is that you do need to be there when the packages are installed to answer an occasional dialog or question in the terminal. I’m happy with the result. The current Ubuntu makes it extremely easy…
From the folks at smartermsp.com, we have some brief history of #FORTRAN (#TECHTIMEWARP). I wanted to add my humor note, as I was working with computers while FORTRAN was still fairly commonly used. I studied it and took a challenge exam, getting 4 quarter hours of college credit in the language, but I never owned…
(Note: Page author Henry Neufeld is compensated for sales made through links on this page.)