HP Buying Palm
As a Palm owner I was glad to read in gizmag that HP is buying Palm. I think there are some good things about the Palm, including the simple value of keeping the competition up.
I’m still thinking of a Palm Pre as my next phone.
As a Palm owner I was glad to read in gizmag that HP is buying Palm. I think there are some good things about the Palm, including the simple value of keeping the competition up.
I’m still thinking of a Palm Pre as my next phone.
My Palm Pixi is installing it right now. It appears to be just minor fixes. Details here.
I’m always on the lookout for good Bible software that is either very low cost or free, so when I got an e-mail from Berean Bible Study Freeware, I put it on my list to review. Let me note first that I’m not comparing this to solutions like Logos Bible Software. It’s not intended to…
Ars Technica reports that the FCC has found that major cellular carriers overstated their coverage, something most of us already knew. Based on that article, it seems that the FCC is using basic manipulation of when and in what way a release occurs to limit the attention paid to this story. Of course, the FCC…
It looks like President-Elect Obama will have to give up his Blackberry when he drops the -Elect. Ouch! I sympathize!
Nearly a month ago I blogged about upgrading my cell phone to a Palm Centro. (Note that I have my cell phone service with Sprint, but I have no basis of comparison, so I’m not discussing cell phone service providers here.) So how is this going? My intention in purchasing this phone was to improve…
The smartphone wars may be heating up, with lots of wonderful new entrants, but I still like my Palm Centro, and don’t use all its capabilities.
(Note: Page author Henry Neufeld is compensated for sales made through links on this page.)