Regarding iPad Alternatives
Some useful commentary. Make sure to read the comments.
Some useful commentary. Make sure to read the comments.
I’m usually not too impressed with predictions of future changes, but these look well thought out. I’ve been telling my customers that more and more work will move to laptops and smaller devices and that installing wired networks may soon be a thing of the past. It looks like this is likely to happen.
. . . but Packard-Bell is still around.
I found these notes by Rick Mansfield of This Lamp helpful. Rick has many of the same interests I do, and I found his comments directly relevant to the sort of questions I have.
Since I always like to check for other people who have used particular hardware items before I buy, I thought I’d write a short post about this printer. First, the print is beautiful and the printer is extremely easy to use. The one complaint I found in some reviews is quite accurate: It shakes, rattles,…
Television has been changing for some time as cable programming becomes more sophisticated (no, not the content–that’s still pretty dumb–the delivery), and TiVo makes it easier to watch what we want, when we want. Multiple channels now spread out the seasons of TV programming, so that there’s something new coming on most of the time….
There’s a good article in today’s Washington Post on what makes laptops different, and what makes them the same. I agree with most of the tips in the article. I would only add that for some people the extra weight will be worth it to get a 15″ or more screen. You should consider this…
(Note: Page author Henry Neufeld is compensated for sales made through links on this page.)