WebOS 1.4.5 Released
My Palm Pixi is installing it right now. It appears to be just minor fixes. Details here.
My Palm Pixi is installing it right now. It appears to be just minor fixes. Details here.
There was a time when cars were few and far between and when car theft was essentially unknown. You could leave your car sitting out in your yard or on the street and generally expect to find it there in the morning. Then the automobile came into its own. Many people owned them, and many…
This is pure enjoyment and playing around. I’ve been wondering how one would video blog using the Palm Centro. I’ve seen a few video blogs that look like they were done on such a machine, but I wasn’t certain how to do it. So this morning when I was recording my audio podcast, I also…
Ars Technica reports that the FCC has found that major cellular carriers overstated their coverage, something most of us already knew. Based on that article, it seems that the FCC is using basic manipulation of when and in what way a release occurs to limit the attention paid to this story. Of course, the FCC…
One of the difficulties with being absent minded is that you forget things. Did I mention that you forget things? Well, I’m absent minded, and I forget things. The other day I decided to help my wife out by running a couple of loads of wash. When the first load was nearly done drying, my…
Two devices, the HTC Desire and Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 get a side by side rundown by @gizmag. Both end up with some serious negatives, but also some really good potential. It’s worth a read.
Nearly a month ago I blogged about upgrading my cell phone to a Palm Centro. (Note that I have my cell phone service with Sprint, but I have no basis of comparison, so I’m not discussing cell phone service providers here.) So how is this going? My intention in purchasing this phone was to improve…
(Note: Page author Henry Neufeld is compensated for sales made through links on this page.)