Some Gadgets You Don’t Need
… by Gadgetbox. I think the bike book holder sounds promising.
… by Gadgetbox. I think the bike book holder sounds promising.
I enjoyed reading a short article on the history of Computer Bulletin Board Systems (later just BBS) on ZDNet, not because I was there at the start (in 1978 I was learning how to work with a programmable calculator), but because it ended up at Fidonet. Starting in 1985 I operated a Fidonet BBS in…
Linux Magazine has an article with a list of 15 quality Linux games.
Here’s a laptop that will run just about anything you need. I have two clients who have these. One uses three external monitors plus the internal one while not on the road. Make sure to get enough RAM. You’re unlikely to have problems with hard disk space. (Featured image created in about 5 minutes with…
… try this post at Uneasy Silence.
I’ve often watched John Webb (my stepson) pitch a very good game only to lose either because the other team’s pitcher was also pitching a good game or because the bats on his team just didn’t come to life. Well, it happens to the best of them. The Angels lost yesterday, 1-0, despite pitching 8…
Here’s some fun on that topic from TechRepublic.
(Note: Page author Henry Neufeld is compensated for sales made through links on this page.)