Test Edge Animate
This post is solely for the purpose of testing how to embed an Adobe Edge Animate file using the WP OAM Renderer plugin. (The sale is real, however, and available at Energion Direct.)
[oam id=”798″]
This post is solely for the purpose of testing how to embed an Adobe Edge Animate file using the WP OAM Renderer plugin. (The sale is real, however, and available at Energion Direct.)
[oam id=”798″]
. . . but it looks like it’s becoming more and more important. According to this MSNBC.com story, it has become much more of a factor in the way people communicate generally and about the election. I can certainly see how it (and things like it) have become more important than chat rooms for example….
OK, here’s what all this testing has been about. On those of my blogs that use MiniPosts, any post received via Postie will not appear on the main index page. If I edit the post and save it again, they do appear. The reason for this bizarre behavior is that somehow posts via Postie are…
Just a quick note for those who saw my previous post, I’m not using Ubuntu 10.10 on my own machine and on one machine loaned to a client’s office, and I have had no difficulties with it at all. I’m pleased with the way the audio functions in particular. So if it seems useful to…
From opensource.com, 15 books for kids who (you want to) love Linux and open source, Plus, three books for babies. Its’a good list. I’ve added some of these books to my Open Source Software page.
MSNBC has an interesting story here.
This is the place for links, and the first one, quite properly, is to the Miniposts plugin itself.
(Note: Page author Henry Neufeld is compensated for sales made through links on this page.)