Link: 19 Probable Extra-Solar Objects
From New Atlas. Studying material from these could provide incredible information on the history of the galaxy.
From New Atlas. Studying material from these could provide incredible information on the history of the galaxy.
I remember as a teenager how my Dad used electrons to explain facts and theories to me. We couldn’t see the actual functioning of the atom, but we used that theory because it explained the facts that we observed. This was an important and valuable lesson for me. While the definitions have stood the test…
This is from the “I just think it’s neat!” department. NASA is testing a new remote controlled platform. Well, the aircraft itself has been around, but they’re working on making new use of it in science study. You can read the whole story at
This is a bit off-track for this blog, in which I normally deal with technical issues that might impact small business. But I couldn’t resist commenting this article, explaining that a Harvard team has managed to reverse aging in mice. Note that I don’t use the word “successful” here. The price (in humans)? Increased risk…
(Note: Page author Henry Neufeld is compensated for sales made through links on this page.)