A Scam Email
Several people have asked me very recently about scam emails. I don’t mind being asked, but there are some signs you should look at. I’m going to include a partial screenshot here.

Here are several key signs:
- Lousy grammar. I’ve underlined a couple of items. Valid emails can have grammatical errors, but this sounds like someone for whom English is a second, or perhaps third language.
- Sent as a text. This came in to my Google Voice on a number that Facebook doesn’t have. Further, I have not selected text as a way for Facebook to contact me. Remember what your security settings are, and limit communication with companies to specific forms. Then immediately exclude anything you receive by a means you did not select.
- Look at the link. That is not “facebook.com.” That’s a no right there. But even if the blue text reads “facebook.com” as it should, check further. Hover over the link with your mouse pointer and you should get a preview (normally lower left in your browser on a PC) which will tell you where the link actually goes. Also watch out for links in the form domain.com.xx/. Make sure the final text after that period is what you expect.
- Remember how particular companies have behaved. This isn’t the way Facebook works.
The bottom line is to be very suspicious of any contact from a company that you did not initiate using valid contact data. Your default should be not to interact with such emails or provide any information. If you are one of my clients, please call. I’ll look. I’m pretty good at detecting these. But even then, I don’t think I’m good enough. My practice is to go back to the companies verified web site and use their contact information