Basic Manuscript Formatting Tips
Energion Publications has produced a booklet on some basic use of styles to make manuscripts easier to convert. The book is available both in print and in ebook format. Preview
Energion Publications has produced a booklet on some basic use of styles to make manuscripts easier to convert. The book is available both in print and in ebook format.
A person with a toolkit generally spends a bit of time learning to use the tools in it, otherwise he or she will get limited benefit from the tools available. It’s important to have the right tools, and it’s also important to learn how to use them effectively. This post applies in that general sense…
Those of you who have books to publicize, as I do, may be looking for ways to do so and possibly earn money as you go. I have been a Powell’s Books partner for some time with very little success. My books are listed there, but I have not made commissions. Recently, however, Powell’s opened…
I’m continuing to work with my store and will have a number of new things on here shortly. They have improved their widget, making it easier to embed in WordPress code. I’ll reflect that in a widget shortly. Here’s a widget for a book I just reviewed, the NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible. Buy…
Some time back I wrote a post about grocery shopping in which I said: Grocery shelves are not arranged for your convenience. When I first started shopping for a family, rather than for one, I also noticed how often grocery shopping took me on inconvenient routes. I also notice this when I shop at…
Note: As of December, 2017, I combined what I had treated as two businesses, so Neufeld Computer Services is now fully part of Energion Publications. I maintain this separate site to use for more technical information. This is the first of my “At Energion” videos. I recorded this yesterday while working, and we’re considering doing…
This was about a 15 minute project. Nothing exciting in the way it’s set up, but getting a simple thing like this ready in that short a period of time is one of the great values of Adobe Spark. I have Creative Cloud, so can get more sophisticated (within my limited design abilities!) with other…
(Note: Page author Henry Neufeld is compensated for sales made through links on this page.)