The Dragon that Guards the Data: No Pet Names in Passwords!

Many people have the impression that most computer hacking is the result of superior technical abilities, which, despite your best efforts, let’s an attacker get control of your computer or other device electronic device. It’s true that hacking involves technical skills, but a great deal of it involves simple people skills, knowledge of how people…
The full description is at Red Tape Chronicles. Spammers are using Google search links in e-mails to get people to their sites. As usual the solution is not clicking on things if you don’t know what they are. Consider it first. Also, as usual, look at the bottom bar of your browser with the mouse…
Does a domain registrar have to reveal personal information to anyone who claims to have an interest? Namecheap explains their position in their fight with Facebook over this type of demand for personal information. I believe Namecheap is in the right on this and that the issue is important.
Several people have asked me very recently about scam emails. I don’t mind being asked, but there are some signs you should look at. I’m going to include a partial screenshot here. Here are several key signs: Lousy grammar. I’ve underlined a couple of items. Valid emails can have grammatical errors, but this sounds like…
I’m writing this article so that I can refer callers to it. It’s going to be very, very basic. I’ve been getting calls from people who have been referred by my clients, generally with serious malware issues on their computers. When I look at the machine I invariably find that there is a fairly simple…
In a number of webinars I’ve attended this year on information security, I have been alerted to the changes AI is making to email scams. Background Email is the most effect tool for attack that hackers have, because if an email looks like it is from a particular company or from someone known to the…
(Note: Page author Henry Neufeld is compensated for sales made through links on this page.)