More Updating with iPower
I noted previously the potential problems I expected with the servicer upgrade at iPower. That was based on creating a new site on their newer servers and looking at the differences in order to anticipate problems.
There’s been a great deal of negative comment on this on the net, including in a comment on my previous post. I have been somewhat less than satisfied with the communications I received on the issue. Often when I do contact customer support my spam filtering gets blamed for missing e-mails, but then again I get quite a large percentage, so what is happening to the rest, and why are they not in my spam folder?
Nonetheless, I have always managed to get what I needed from iPower in the end, even when I was complaining about just how. In the case of the upgrade, however, I have now seen three accounts upgraded, and in all three cases, the difficulties were much smaller than expected.
The iPower staff converted my php include/require links to the correct home directory in all cases as far as I can tell. I have a couple of accounts that are substantially more complicated than these first three, so it will be interesting to see just how that goes. They also correctly replaced all my connect strings. Again these were relatively simple sites, but I had expected to have to make a few corrections myself.
On two of the three sites I didn’t have to do anything except inform my clients of where to get their e-mail. On the third I had created links so that one expert user at the client’s office could access the database through phpMyAdmin, and that link was broken. Those were all of my difficulties.
I will continue to keep up with this and public updates as I go through this process.