Reversing Aging?

This is a bit off-track for this blog, in which I normally deal with technical issues that might impact small business.  But I couldn’t resist commenting this article, explaining that a Harvard team has managed to reverse aging in mice.  Note that I don’t use the word “successful” here.  The price (in humans)?  Increased risk…


AltSearch for OpenOffice Writer

In using OpenOffice Writer for preliminary work on manuscripts I often need to replace large amounts of formatting, mainly eliminating areas in which writers have used character formatting and replacing them with consistent use of styles.  The native search/replace is not very good for this. There is an excellent solution, readily available:  The AltSearch addon. …

Slideshow Gallery Problem

I installed Slideshow Gallery on the Energion Blogs site, and ran into a problem.  Unfortunately I used “Network Activate” (which was not what I wanted to do), rather than just activating it for a single site. The result apparently tries to get user privileges before the appropriate includes are loaded.  The solution, however, is simple–don’t…