Palm Pre
As a happy user of the Palm Centro with Sprint I would love to get a look at the Palm Pre. Jason Hiner has, and reviews it here. There’s motivation to work on my marketing–work it into the budget!
As a happy user of the Palm Centro with Sprint I would love to get a look at the Palm Pre. Jason Hiner has, and reviews it here. There’s motivation to work on my marketing–work it into the budget!
… well, second-hand, at least. I’m going to refer you to this post from Compassion in Politics, which provided me with several additional links. I’m having a hard time still getting the best out of Twitter, both socially and for the business. Last Sunday at First UMC in Pensacola, I attended the first ICON service,…
OK, here’s another short hint: How to convert a PDF to PNG in Ubuntu–quickly. I’ve generally worked with PDFs on my Windows system, but this may cut that down.
My never ending quest for better clip art sources (I can’t draw a straight line with a ruler), and my desire to make Ubuntu more and more usable for all my work needs, converged with It’s a good source, and you can install it in Ubuntu with your Add/Remove command. But then, where is…
Since I always like to check for other people who have used particular hardware items before I buy, I thought I’d write a short post about this printer. First, the print is beautiful and the printer is extremely easy to use. The one complaint I found in some reviews is quite accurate: It shakes, rattles,…
. . . but you may. How to use more than 4GB RAM on a 32 bit Ubuntu installation.
This is just a quick note on themes. I haven’t designed any WordPress themes from scratch, but I have heavily customized a few, and each of these will have to be modified to work with the comment threading, provided I want that feature on the particular blogs. Comments on this blog, for example, are few…
As is usual, I chose this site as the first guinea pig, and it is now upgraded. So far everything looks good. I follow the beta test chatter, and usually try to install the release candidates somewhere and play with them, but this is the first production install. So far I’m very impressed with the…
A middle school teacher in Austin, Texas confiscated Linux disks from a student, because, she told him, it was not possible that Linux was free and what he was doing was illegal. Storis on blog of Helios and nixCraft.
Well, it’s quick if you use Google Video. Thing is, I use Google Video pretty frequently, and I needed an MP4 of a file in WMV format which I had already uploaded. After a few minutes of searching for the right app that would give me a nice, compatible file for a podcast, I realized…
(Note: Page author Henry Neufeld is compensated for sales made through links on this page.)