
I received an e-mail from the folks at Blogrush announcing Trafficjam. I’m testing Blogrush on my Threads blog, with marginal results. Part of my problem with click-throughs is my headlines. Mine are too long and not catchy enough, but they’re what I use. I like informative. Note that while I’m writing about it here on…


Jason Hiner on TechRepublic has a substantial post on Mahalo, a human driven search system. He believes it has the potential to deliver more relevant results especially in technical areas. I see the potential, but will have to look at this some more before making it a significant part of my search strategy. Most of…


Norton Internet Security – Good Idea?

With Norton Anti-Virus and Internet Security 2006 I reluctantly quit recommending Norton for everything. It was using too much in the way of resources, and it was too expensive for the value provided. In a number of cases internet providers were offering free services that were less obtrusive and worked, at least for home clients….