
This new blog replaces posting information on my computer services web site hneufeld.com. This is going to make things easier for me. I have generally post on my site that I use as references for clients: software recommendations, procedures, and so forth. All of it is very basic. I support small businesses who cannot afford a full time IT department.

On this blog I will post the things I have been posting, but I will also post code snippets and little programs that I work on. These go beyond what I normally provide for clients, but they may be of interest to beginning programmers in the various languages that I use. I stress beginning. I play around with this stuff, and I have often found that it’s easier to find information on the level just above basic. I suppose that people often assume these incredibly simple things aren’t worth writing about. More likely, they think they are writing about incredibly simple things.

Code will include OpenOffice.org macros and templates, PHP, Amazon Web Services, and occasional C++. I will probably post 2-3 times per week. I spend most of my time blogging on religion/society and Biblical studies, and you can find links to that in the right hand sidebar.

The last thing to note is the Energion Game information. This is a role-playing game system that I designed with a couple of other guys back in the 1980s. You’ll hear about it here, because I use it to force myself to think about programming problems when I’m not working on anything for business purposes. I’m not actually using the game, but I’ve been having fun digging up the old documentation and working on routines.

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