Random Lyrics Produces Song
This resulted from random lyrics sent to the Dilbert blog. It’s more comprehensible than some real songs. But not very . . .
This resulted from random lyrics sent to the Dilbert blog. It’s more comprehensible than some real songs. But not very . . .
. . . from a more serious perspective, from Jason Hiner.
This is not so much a technical note as one about the weird way the brain works, though you may need some technical knowledge to understand what happened. It’s not complex, however, and the problem is strictly one of the way the brain functions. The other day I had what I thought was a bug…
So declared Clifford Stoll in a 1995 Newsweek article, now reproduced by The Daily Beast. There was actually a time when I thought the internet was for specialists, but I soon realized the error of my ways. (HT: The Agitator)
… by Gadgetbox. I think the bike book holder sounds promising.
Television has been changing for some time as cable programming becomes more sophisticated (no, not the content–that’s still pretty dumb–the delivery), and TiVo makes it easier to watch what we want, when we want. Multiple channels now spread out the seasons of TV programming, so that there’s something new coming on most of the time….
… try this post at Uneasy Silence.
(Note: Page author Henry Neufeld is compensated for sales made through links on this page.)