Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) RC Rush
I couldn’t wait for the real release so I just had to grab this and install it, which I accomplished on Saturday. I had three problems with the installation:
- HPLIP had an error
- Scribus also
- as did Wine
I don’t really use the latter two, so I uninstalled them. I found the solution to HPLIP online, but I did so tangentially, so I’m going to post it here. If you can’t update HPLIP, you probably have an older version installed. Uninstall it, go here and get the installer for the latest version, and install that. In my case it worked without a hitch. Do remember to shut down all package managers before running the automatic install, if that’s the way to go.
I’ve seen quite a few complaints about the sound. So far I’m pretty happy with it. I already had problems [with sound in Feisty Fawn]. It [Hardy Heron] didn’t solve all of them, but it appears to be working much better.
Thanks for your support of HPLIP! 🙂