Mobile TV Anyone?

I have samples of the ability to watch TV on my Palm Centro, but frankly I’m not that dedicated to TV watching in the first place, and in general the picture looks too small for me.  But this may be another case where my personal tastes make me miss a real revolution.

According to this story, mobile TV is taking off, and it’s connecting to another current trend, TV on demand or mediated through your TiVo.  I think the idea of a TV schedule, other than as an initial release notice of various episodes, will become a thing of the past.  And if the story is correct–and it looks like it–then mobile TV will go hand in hand with that, providing the show you want when and where you want it.

Personally, I don’t expect to start paying that kind of money for show episodes.  They’re citing prices around $1.99 which doesn’t sound all that low to me.  But many will do so, I’m sure, and wait for people to start pushing that price downward.

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