10 More Tools for Twitter
. . . from a more serious perspective, from Jason Hiner.
. . . from a more serious perspective, from Jason Hiner.
Television has been changing for some time as cable programming becomes more sophisticated (no, not the content–that’s still pretty dumb–the delivery), and TiVo makes it easier to watch what we want, when we want. Multiple channels now spread out the seasons of TV programming, so that there’s something new coming on most of the time….
… or something. Scientists are thinking about galactic communications using Cepheid variable stars.
Having reached the 2,000 follower barrier on Twitter, I needed to bring my follower list down closer to my followed list. There are some services that will simply unfollow those who don’t follow you, but since I follow–and read–some tech gurus, news services, and such, that don’t follow me, I didn’t want to do that….
There’s a good list here for WordPress.
I subscribe to Inside Higher Ed’s RSS feed, which delivered notice of an article by Alex Golub titled The Flaws of Facebook. Now while I’m going to react negatively to a portion of his work, there are some valid issues he’s addressing. If you’re a professor who might need to place more than one level…
I intensely dislike fake news or, for that matter, slanted news. I do believe that the term “fake news” should be limited to things that are totally made up, not things in which the reporting is slanted, or in which poor conclusions are drawn. People were and are justified in mistrusting the media. Personally, I…
(Note: Page author Henry Neufeld is compensated for sales made through links on this page.)