PCMagazine Adobe Buzzword Review
Is Adobe Buzzword an alternative to your word processor? Check this review and find out.
Is Adobe Buzzword an alternative to your word processor? Check this review and find out.
Back in July I commented on installing Bible Desktop. Since Bible study is such a major part of my life, both professionally and personally, having some usable Bible software available is an important part of being able to make Linux work for me. I’ve now upgraded to version 1.0.7 and I see considerable improvement in…
Well, here I am playing around with my new Ubuntu machine again, and being a Bible teacher and writer, I obviously want Bible software on any machine I’m running. A little effort found me the Sword Project, and it’s related materials. I intend to try out GnomeSword, and I’ll write about it when I do,…
I’ve blogged before on Bible software for Linux. One of the annoyances of switching to Ubuntu (there are very few) has been not having my Libronix software easily available. I have it on a notebook, but I don’t always have that machine on and available when I want to look something up. There is some…
I don’t know that there are many people who want this arrangement, but since I’m using it, I thought I’d write a few notes. I use Creative Cloud for book layouts and graphics design for my company, Energion Publications. I have done layout with Scribus, and I intend to post on some of the differences…
As a result of this post, I’ve installed the Opera browser on my Ubuntu Linux machine (Feisty Fawn). I’ll post more on it later, but for now I am impressed with speed and ease of use. If it’s good enough, you may see an Opera button appear on the left sidebar.
I have long been an advocate of OpenOffice.org, and have some of my commercial clients using it. For most business needs for an office suite, it provides more than enough capability, and saves companies large amounts of money, even if they make significant donations to the project. I was disappointed in the latest version of…
(Note: Page author Henry Neufeld is compensated for sales made through links on this page.)