Trends in Display Design
MSNBC has an interesting story here.
This was just a funny experience I had diagnosing a client’s network problem over the phone. Fortunately I had a young man on the other end of the line who reported accurately. (For those who receive customer service, one of the largest problems for the service tech is getting an accurate picture of where you…
Television has been changing for some time as cable programming becomes more sophisticated (no, not the content–that’s still pretty dumb–the delivery), and TiVo makes it easier to watch what we want, when we want. Multiple channels now spread out the seasons of TV programming, so that there’s something new coming on most of the time….
This is the place for links, and the first one, quite properly, is to the Miniposts plugin itself.
I’m saving these ten mistakes to pass on to anyone who wants to do this.
This device looks interesting. I haven’t had an opportunity to test it yet, but hopefully I will. I know someone to whom I’m going to recommend it. It’s an intelligent wireless router, the Ruckus Mediaflex NG and it should improve range and stability. The MSNBC tester definitely saw improvement. Considering the number of cases in…
Check out this story. Of course your mileage may vary. I’ve heard good and bad stories about almost every vendor. Caveat Emptor!
(Note: Page author Henry Neufeld is compensated for sales made through links on this page.)