Trends in Display Design
MSNBC has an interesting story here.
I’m testing this post. If I’ve acquired a following via RSS, please ignore and forgive this and a couple of following tests.
. . . but Packard-Bell is still around.
One of the amazing things about advancing technology is the number of inventions we have available in theory, but haven’t become applications yet. As the basic technology moves forward this gap continues to get larger. Then there’s the gap between the equipment that is actually in use and what is possible with the current state…
Testing the system!
This device looks interesting. I haven’t had an opportunity to test it yet, but hopefully I will. I know someone to whom I’m going to recommend it. It’s an intelligent wireless router, the Ruckus Mediaflex NG and it should improve range and stability. The MSNBC tester definitely saw improvement. Considering the number of cases in…
I’m usually not too impressed with predictions of future changes, but these look well thought out. I’ve been telling my customers that more and more work will move to laptops and smaller devices and that installing wired networks may soon be a thing of the past. It looks like this is likely to happen.
(Note: Page author Henry Neufeld is compensated for sales made through links on this page.)