I wish I needed this Fix
. . . but you may. How to use more than 4GB RAM on a 32 bit Ubuntu installation.
. . . but you may. How to use more than 4GB RAM on a 32 bit Ubuntu installation.
Since Ubuntu is my Linux of choice, I was excited to find this set of tips for getting more out of it. HT: nixCraft.
Ubuntu Productivity provides a good list of apps, short reviews, and links (HT: OpenOffice.org Training, Tips, and Ideas).
Since I recommend Firefox all the time, I thought I’d put a note about this. There are solutions in this Ubuntu forum thread, but for those who might not get there because they’re thinking of the problem as one with opening a new tab, let me note the solution that worked for me, which is…
For those who may be even slower than I am, let me link to the solutions. Basically, upgrade your Pidgin to 2.5.7. Here is an explanation of the problem, and for those who use Ubuntu, as I do, the easy solution is to add the Pidgin repository here, do an update, and restart Pidgin. Mine…
I couldn’t wait for the real release so I just had to grab this and install it, which I accomplished on Saturday. I had three problems with the installation: HPLIP had an error Scribus also as did Wine I don’t really use the latter two, so I uninstalled them. I found the solution to HPLIP…
I would really like to be able to recommend to a small business client that they adopt Linux because it is lower cost. I have been able to recommend OpenOffice.org to a number of folks, and have even had it accepted. That is because for most users it will perform all the functions for which…
(Note: Page author Henry Neufeld is compensated for sales made through links on this page.)