OpenOffice 3.1 for Ubuntu Jaunty
I’m sure a few people will be wondering. You can find good instructions here.
I’m sure a few people will be wondering. You can find good instructions here.
Back in July I commented on installing Bible Desktop. Since Bible study is such a major part of my life, both professionally and personally, having some usable Bible software available is an important part of being able to make Linux work for me. I’ve now upgraded to version 1.0.7 and I see considerable improvement in…
This is an template for a 6×9 booklet. I use this in writing and publishing. It includes the following features: Blank page with no footer to fill in and force chapter titles to an odd (right hand) page Right left page footers and headers using the book title on the left and chapter title…
It’s easy to change the position of footnotes and treat them as endnotes using the dialog at Tools->Footnotes/Endnotes, but if they are endnotes, it’s a bit more difficult. There are a couple of options given on the OpenOffice forum. I had a document with over 800 endnotes that I wanted as footnotes. I chose the…
I wanted to promote this comment to a post to make sure it’s noticed: BibleDesktop has been released with parallel Bible viewing. There is an option to show the differences between any two versions of the Bible in the same language. That was one of the key things I wanted, and I’m glad to see…
I’m a bit eccentric and don’t use the visual editor with WordPress on this blog and several others that I maintain. For a number of posts I write my basic material in OpenOffice Writer and then post it. Up to now I have added the formatting by hand, but today I decided to write myself…
You can download it here, or find a review at pcmag. HT: Training, Tips, and Ideas.
(Note: Page author Henry Neufeld is compensated for sales made through links on this page.)