Nano Spaceships to the Stars
This story from says it might be possible.
This story from says it might be possible.
I recently saw a comment asserting that “people lie, but numbers don’t lie.” This should be put up against this: “There are lies, damn lies, and statistics.” Numbers indeed don’t lie. They’re just numbers, but like “guns don’t kill, people kill” (though they often do it more efficiently with guns), so numbers don’t lie, but…
Hmm! I guess we do that all the time. In this case, I’m talking about the future of the PC. Or data processing in general. Whatever. I read this story about Google automatically identifying and blurring faces, and it reminded me of the year 1980. In 1980 I was a graduate student at Andrews University…
Jason Hiner on TechRepublic has a substantial post on Mahalo, a human driven search system. He believes it has the potential to deliver more relevant results especially in technical areas. I see the potential, but will have to look at this some more before making it a significant part of my search strategy. Most of…
I remember as a teenager how my Dad used electrons to explain facts and theories to me. We couldn’t see the actual functioning of the atom, but we used that theory because it explained the facts that we observed. This was an important and valuable lesson for me. While the definitions have stood the test…
(Note: Page author Henry Neufeld is compensated for sales made through links on this page.)