Full Screen Braille
Gizmag describes the new technology, making it possible for blind computer users to make much, much better use of computers.
Gizmag describes the new technology, making it possible for blind computer users to make much, much better use of computers.
If you’re not subscribed to various useful blogs on TechRepublic, you should be. I get a great deal of information from that source. For those who may not be subscribed, or who haven’t seen it yet, let me recommend Video: Three ways you might be breaking the law with your computer (there’s also a text…
I’m usually not too impressed with predictions of future changes, but these look well thought out. I’ve been telling my customers that more and more work will move to laptops and smaller devices and that installing wired networks may soon be a thing of the past. It looks like this is likely to happen.
Note: As of December, 2017, I combined what I had treated as two businesses, so Neufeld Computer Services is now fully part of Energion Publications. I maintain this separate site to use for more technical information. This is the first of my “At Energion” videos. I recorded this yesterday while working, and we’re considering doing…
Some details here.
MSNBC has an interesting story here.
I was reading this article from TechRepublic today and at first I thought it had little to do with me, because I manage such small networks. But it wasn’t many paragraphs until it was ringing too true to me to ignore. It matches my experience. Now the largest network I manage has 12 pieces of…
(Note: Page author Henry Neufeld is compensated for sales made through links on this page.)