A Helicopter for Your Video Camera?
According to Gizmag, there is one! I have a hard enough time holding one in my hand and getting any useful video!
According to Gizmag, there is one! I have a hard enough time holding one in my hand and getting any useful video!
Popular Mechanics has a tremendously interesting article based on a recent book that provided transcripts of the black box recordings of this flight as it went down over the Atlantic Ocean. For someone who is not a pilot, but has read something about it, it seems hard to believe that a professional pilot of any…
Actually, I do. I was an early adopter. I’m using a preview version of it. What I’ve observed, however, is that the way tech writers think about technology and the way ordinary people do is significantly different. As I’ve aged, my business has also evolved into serving more individuals and less businesses. Even when I…
Some good notes: Best Point & Shoot Digital Cameras under $300.
They look at gadgets that apply existing technology. My only comment is that I think many of these things will happen sooner than that. Related articles On the go: Top gear in the year 2031 (gizmag.com) Touchscreen made of ice (makezine.com) NASA envisions neighborhood micro-airports to let travelers bypass pesky streets [Airports] (io9.com)
… or going to Mars. They’re working on some new ideas, with Soyuz as the only remaining vehicle.
Note: As of December, 2017, I combined what I had treated as two businesses, so Neufeld Computer Services is now fully part of Energion Publications. I maintain this separate site to use for more technical information. This is the first of my “At Energion” videos. I recorded this yesterday while working, and we’re considering doing…
(Note: Page author Henry Neufeld is compensated for sales made through links on this page.)