Fascinating Story of a Calculating Device Born (in part) in a Concentration Camp
New Atlas tells the story of the Curta mechanical calculator, and it’s designer Hertzsark who had to draw designs as a prisoner at Buchenwald. It’s well worth reading.
New Atlas tells the story of the Curta mechanical calculator, and it’s designer Hertzsark who had to draw designs as a prisoner at Buchenwald. It’s well worth reading.
Some good notes: Best Point & Shoot Digital Cameras under $300.
I’ve heard a read a bit about this, and decided to look at it a bit more. You’ll the the Amazon.com link to the left. The difference in price/performance between laptops, tablets, and desktops continues to shrink. You can get excellent performance in a laptop. What I’m telling my clients these days is to give…
According to Gizmag, there is one! I have a hard enough time holding one in my hand and getting any useful video!
They look at gadgets that apply existing technology. My only comment is that I think many of these things will happen sooner than that. Related articles On the go: Top gear in the year 2031 (gizmag.com) Touchscreen made of ice (makezine.com) NASA envisions neighborhood micro-airports to let travelers bypass pesky streets [Airports] (io9.com)
… or going to Mars. They’re working on some new ideas, with Soyuz as the only remaining vehicle.
Back in my earlier days in electronics, as the glaciers receded, the NiCad battery was a new, great, and often expensive thing. We were taught to frequently let the battery drain and then recharge, as the cycle helped condition the battery. I get asked this question frequently regarding modern cell-phone batteries, and I admit my…
(Note: Page author Henry Neufeld is compensated for sales made through links on this page.)