Summary of WordPress Security Practices
I found this article on the Imunify360 blog well worth the time.
I found this article on the Imunify360 blog well worth the time.
This is not my explanation, but since I ran into the problem and it took a bit of time to find the correct instructions, I want to call attention to HOW TO FIX CUSTOM FIELDS NOT SHOWING IN WORDPRESS. This fixed the problem for me. Note that I’m already using a child theme in order…
If you are using WordPress on a server with Imunify360, and get the error message “Updating failed. The response is not a valid JSON response.” check whether you have any 3rd party rule sets enabled. This has happened to me twice following an update, so I thought someone else might be helped by having a…
Wordfence has an excellent post on this subject. While their post is aimed at WordPress users, the ideas are good for any password. My own comment is this: Use MFA – multi-factor authentication. This is accomplished in various ways, such as an app on your phone, a texted code, emailed code, and so forth. It takes…
You can guess how I feel about this one as I provided a quote. Barracuda Content Shield provides off-site checking of content, while Managed Workplace is the core of my services to small offices. If you’re one of my clients, you’re already benefitting from this to some extent. If you’re one of those who have…
In a number of webinars I’ve attended this year on information security, I have been alerted to the changes AI is making to email scams. Background Email is the most effect tool for attack that hackers have, because if an email looks like it is from a particular company or from someone known to the…
There’s a story on about a security vulnerability discovered in DNS servers. Those are the machines that take the name you type into your address bar and convert it into numbers your computer can comprehend. If it converts it into the wrong set of numbers, you go to the wrong place. It would be…
(Note: Page author Henry Neufeld is compensated for sales made through links on this page.)