Update: Wordfence now Has an FAQ on Alleged Russian Hacking

They’ve laid out the critical data in a post titled Election Hack Report FAQ. This report includes clarifying that, despite their headline, they were not claiming that the report truly traced the hacking to Russia. I thought that was pretty clear in the first place, but I suppose “headline only” readers (not my favorite people),…

Past Meets Present: Command Line Twitter Clients on Linux
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Past Meets Present: Command Line Twitter Clients on Linux

Today in my inbox, which often overflows with notifications about open source software, I received two separate notifications which I plan to combine in one blog post. The first was a list of command line clients for Twitter for use under Linux. My main office machine runs Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak), and I date from…

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Window Shopping on Amazon: HP Spectre x360

I’ve heard a read a bit about this, and decided to look at it a bit more. You’ll the the Amazon.com link to the left. The difference in price/performance between laptops, tablets, and desktops continues to shrink. You can get excellent performance in a laptop. What I’m telling my clients these days is to give…