Basic Malware

I’m writing this article so that I can refer callers to it. It’s going to be very, very basic. I’ve been getting calls from people who have been referred by my clients, generally with serious malware issues on their computers. When I look at the machine I invariably find that there is a fairly simple…

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Libre Office Living Up to Its Name

I have long been an advocate of, and have some of my commercial clients using it. For most business needs for an office suite, it provides more than enough capability, and saves companies large amounts of money, even if they make significant donations to the project. I was disappointed in the latest version of…

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The Changing Face of Television

Television has been changing for some time as cable programming becomes more sophisticated (no, not the content–that’s still pretty dumb–the delivery), and TiVo makes it easier to watch what we want, when we want. Multiple channels now spread out the seasons of TV programming, so that there’s something new coming on most of the time….