Stats for Blogger

I had this in the back of my mind, but a user question brought it to the front.  There are now stats available on the Blogger platform.  If you have a Blogger/Blogspot blog, just go to your dashboard and you’ll find the link. I’m a WordPress fan myself, as you can see from this blog,…

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Many PCs Still Running Windows XP

It’s 74%, in fact, according to this story.  Based on my own experience I would add that IT expense and software compatibility are the two keys.  Even though I’ve found that most software issues can be resolved without excessive effort, I did run into one case in which Quicken Home Inventory would not run…

HootSuite5 is Alive

Well, at least HootSuite5 has arrived!  I’m pretty happy with the new look and features, though I’ll have to use it for awhile to find out what my complaints are.  I always have complaints! In general, however, the new user interface feels more logical to me.  There is less guessing as to where a particular…