
Observations on Web Site Stats and Ranks

I’ve been looking around the web for a discussion of various ways of keeping and portraying web site statistics and also for page ranking information.  I’ve also had an opportunity to observe a few differences on my own sites and sites I manage.  This involves around thirty domains for several different companies including both of…

Ransomware Warning

I think this article on MSNBC’s Red Tape Chronicles is good reading for the non-technically oriented. I have already encountered some of the programs mentioned on various computers.  This should just be another warning to: Keep your anti-virus products up to date Keep your backups current Be very careful what you download from the internet…


When your Phone will Replace your Laptop

One of the amazing things about advancing technology is the number of inventions we have available in theory, but haven’t become applications yet.  As the basic technology moves forward this gap continues to get larger.  Then there’s the gap between the equipment that is actually in use and what is possible with the current state…