Mac vs PC vs Linux
Fun YouTube Video (HT: Greg Laden): Except for the word “choise,” but I guess I’ll forgive that.
Fun YouTube Video (HT: Greg Laden): Except for the word “choise,” but I guess I’ll forgive that.
As a publisher (at Energion Publications) I am very conscious of the copyright wars and discussions about fair use. Recently AP has raised quite a fuss. But as WebProNews reports, Reuters is taking a much more constructive stance. I personally hope they gain business from their more reasonable attitude. At the same time, while I…
Choosing an e-mail client is a pain, because if you make the wrong choice, it’s often a nightmare to export your files and accounts and then import them into a new account. Thus reviews such as this comparison of five cross-platform clients on nixCraft are very valuable.
Before I got married I had a system for buying groceries. It was basic, but it worked for me. I would decide on my menus for about a week. I kept my menus simple and became accustomed to eating mostly one thing per meal because of serving sizes. I liked to keep from throwing leftovers…
… by creating an operating system based on their Chrome browser, which would be great for all of us, I think. Details here (
This story from says it might be possible.
Some details here.
For those who may be even slower than I am, let me link to the solutions. Basically, upgrade your Pidgin to 2.5.7. Here is an explanation of the problem, and for those who use Ubuntu, as I do, the easy solution is to add the Pidgin repository here, do an update, and restart Pidgin. Mine…
This post on Wesblog helped me.
Having reached the 2,000 follower barrier on Twitter, I needed to bring my follower list down closer to my followed list. There are some services that will simply unfollow those who don’t follow you, but since I follow–and read–some tech gurus, news services, and such, that don’t follow me, I didn’t want to do that….
(Note: Page author Henry Neufeld is compensated for sales made through links on this page.)