PCMagazine Adobe Buzzword Review
Is Adobe Buzzword an alternative to your word processor? Check this review and find out.
Is Adobe Buzzword an alternative to your word processor? Check this review and find out.
I’ve often wondered about this, and now there’s a discussion going at TechDirt. I suspect the commenter who points out that suing your customers is generally a bad decision, referencing the RIAA. I think that it’s very likely that one will make money via information delivery much more than by simple generation, and if artists,…
I’m a strong advocate of thinking long term when trying to solve problems in government, not to mention business and personal activities. Very often problems result from not thinking long term enough. This reminds me of the time way back in prehistory (1992, to be precise) when I was a Computer Specialist at Radio Shack….
One of the difficulties with being absent minded is that you forget things. Did I mention that you forget things? Well, I’m absent minded, and I forget things. The other day I decided to help my wife out by running a couple of loads of wash. When the first load was nearly done drying, my…
Ubuntu Productivity provides a good list of apps, short reviews, and links (HT: OpenOffice.org Training, Tips, and Ideas).
I have previously posted on my marginal regard for Blogrush as a means of driving traffic to your site. I’m still marginal, but recent reports have suggested perhaps I should go to marginal++. Over the last couple of weeks I have had a number of posts go into two digits of click throughs. That still…
. . . from a more serious perspective, from Jason Hiner.
I set up a blog on the Tom E. Hunt Residential Designs site, which they plan to use to make announcements regarding their business, feature currently popular or especially interesting plans, and discuss trends in the home design business. I am more and more convinced of the value of active blogging as part of the…
I think the scenario pictured in this article from MSNBC.com Red Tape Chronicles is at least partially a picture of the future. I’m sure early attempts at remote customer service will be problematic. Some of the comments to that post reflect the reality that people want, well, what they want. What many of us want…
… on MSNBC.com, showing that the future is here!
(Note: Page author Henry Neufeld is compensated for sales made through links on this page.)