Switched Header to Baseball Theme
In honor of John Webb pitching for the Pensacola Pelicans, I’m featuring a picture of a game going on at the Pelican Park here in Pensacola. I’ll have to fix the text color.
In honor of John Webb pitching for the Pensacola Pelicans, I’m featuring a picture of a game going on at the Pelican Park here in Pensacola. I’ll have to fix the text color.
I just reluctantly switched to cellular service only. I did so reluctantly, even though we were receiving less and less calls on the landline phone. Essentially all it was doing was eating away money. I’m also learning to keep all my tasks listed, my calendar updated, my contacts annotated, and generally my whole life organized…
Since I run a part-time business that is essentially customer support, I’m always interested in the quality and methods used to deliver it. For me, this is very personal. I am either on a contract or a by-call basis for small businesses that are not large enough to have their own IT deparment, but are…
Even though it links to a competitor (not really, I only do some SEO for existing network management clients), this post is worth reading (HT: Moderate Christian Blogroll). I would note one thing that my customers tend to miss–SEO that is both good quality and ethical centers around having relevant, engaging content. If you don’t…
If clicking on a link in e-mail in Evolution (Ubuntu Hardy Heron, 8.04) doesn’t open Firefox or a new Firefox tab, check that Firefox is the preferred application (System->Preferences->Preferred Applications). Mine listed a path to Firefox, but it was wrong. (There’s a forum discussion thread here.)
Please note the new telephone number for both Energion Publications and Neufeld Computer Services. It is now 850-525-3916. If you are a current customer who has my cell phone number, that is unchanged. This change is only for the office phone.
I’ve become much more appreciative of Twitter as time goes on (my profile is here) as time goes on. At first it seemed like a waste of time, but I decided to try it. In looking around for folks who were using Twitter in a serious way. I think there should be a simple social…
This relates the two halves of my business life, my publishing company, Energion Publications, and this company, Neufeld Computer Services. A year or so ago someone approached me wondering if he could get a good discount on some of our books so that he could then sell them on eBay. He was a friend, looking…
This post has some more links on productive use of twitter.
I have just installed Are You for Real?, a plugin by Chris Poirier that tries to verify that a real human is making comments. At the same time I’m relaxing ordinary comment moderation to the point where it will generally be useless, so I’m depending on the plugin. If you try to use it and…
(Note: Page author Henry Neufeld is compensated for sales made through links on this page.)