WP-CLI Issue with VPS

WP-CLI Issue with VPS

If you don’t know what that means, you’re not interested in this post! 🙂 I installed wp-cli on my development server in the office, and while I’m still in the learning process, it is already quite helpful. Creating a framework for a plugin or block, for example, is great. I wanted to use it to…

At Energion – 03.26.19
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At Energion – 03.26.19

Note: As of December, 2017, I combined what I had treated as two businesses, so Neufeld Computer Services is now fully part of Energion Publications. I maintain this separate site to use for more technical information. This is the first of my “At Energion” videos. I recorded this yesterday while working, and we’re considering doing…

On Breaking Up Tech Companies

On Breaking Up Tech Companies

I try to stay away from politics, and will definitely stay away from advocating for or against parties or candidates, but sometimes—quite frequently in fact—politics and technology impact one another. And don’t even mention my other activities in religion! I read a post today calling for a breakup (perhaps) of Adobe along with other tech…

Link: CSNTM Using Multispectral Imaging on a Papyrus Manuscript

Link: CSNTM Using Multispectral Imaging on a Papyrus Manuscript

I always love it when my lifelong involvement with technology meets my area of formal training, as in the post Manuscripts Digitized at Southern Methodist University from the Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts. One of the more interesting—and completely invalid—arguments regarding the text of the New Testament is the idea that I…