How to Quit Procrastinating
From Business. But do I have to start now?
From Business. But do I have to start now?
I know this is old, and some people are complaining about mentioning it, but it seems to me that there’s enough hardship in using Windows to make it relevant. It’s a complaint e-mail from Bill Gates to folks at Microsoft from 2003. (HT: evangelical outpost and boingboing.)
I’m a strong advocate of thinking long term when trying to solve problems in government, not to mention business and personal activities. Very often problems result from not thinking long term enough. This reminds me of the time way back in prehistory (1992, to be precise) when I was a Computer Specialist at Radio Shack….
And the list is here. They all sound reasonably revolutionary, but at the rate things are changing, how long will it take to change the list?
Over on TechRepublic, Jody Gilbert has a post 10 signs that you aren’t cut out to be a support tech. I’d like to affirm those ten things and suggest ten things that you should not do to your support tech. (Yep, two entries in a row inspired by TechRepublic. I’ve been enjoying their site.) As…
. . . from a more serious perspective, from Jason Hiner.
This download from TechRepublic, 10 e-mail habits that waste time and cause problems is well worth reading. These tips could help you (and me!) avoid some problems with e-mail communication.
(Note: Page author Henry Neufeld is compensated for sales made through links on this page.)