Twitter Stages
From @jasonhiner: The Four Stages of the typical Twitter User. I’m trying to move from stage three to stage four.
From @jasonhiner: The Four Stages of the typical Twitter User. I’m trying to move from stage three to stage four.
… well, second-hand, at least. I’m going to refer you to this post from Compassion in Politics, which provided me with several additional links. I’m having a hard time still getting the best out of Twitter, both socially and for the business. Last Sunday at First UMC in Pensacola, I attended the first ICON service,…
Those who look for relevant people to follow should love the new tool Twiangulate. It allows you to enter two or three people of interest to you, and get a list of people that they all follow. It’s a fairly simply concept but it can produce some interesting results. For example, just as a test…
This post on Wesblog helped me.
I’ve been missing TweetDeck on my main office system, which uses Ubuntu Linux, ever since Twitter bought it and eliminated Adobe Air. I was suspicious of the stability of Air, but I liked TweetDeck, and it worked. I’m embarrassed to say that I didn’t think of the solution myself, but rather found it here–TweetDeck for…
Apparently, there’s to be a sort of rush, according to TechCrunch.
I have no use for them. They are worthless. They are ubiquitous on Facebook, and now I see them on Twitter as well. If you’re a friend, and you send me one of these sorts of messages, don’t be surprised that you receive no answer or acknowledgment. I get them by the dozens, and even…
(Note: Page author Henry Neufeld is compensated for sales made through links on this page.)