What Not to Do on Your Blog
Some suggestions from DailyBlogTips. I’m especially with #1-no auto music. I occasionally violate some of the others.
Some suggestions from DailyBlogTips. I’m especially with #1-no auto music. I occasionally violate some of the others.
I have just installed Are You for Real?, a plugin by Chris Poirier that tries to verify that a real human is making comments. At the same time I’m relaxing ordinary comment moderation to the point where it will generally be useless, so I’m depending on the plugin. If you try to use it and…
I had a number of missing buttons on my “Write Post” page after upgrading to WordPress 2.5. Since I upgraded a number of installations of WordPress at the same time, and most of them work, I came quickly to suspect an upload problem. Note that I’m not talking about missing icons in the visual editor,…
Thus far it looks seamless and straightforward. I simply followed the directions! I’ll be upgrading some more difficult installations where I’ll be trying out some of the picture handling, and I’ll post more if it seems useful.
I’ve been on twitter for a couple of weeks now, and I find that it’s very hard for me to do. I simply don’t think in the short form that’s required. Nonetheless, it appears to be a good way to build traffic, and also has high potential for building one’s network and getting (also sharing)…
Sometimes those who know how things like a .htaccess file works fail to mention really simple things. So I’m going to mention this one. I have a site with multiple domain names that I want to consolidate. Thus I’m creating a single site, but because of numerous existing links, I want the domain names to…
I haven’t done anything on this before, but it has been done to death on the internet. Michael Aulia (of Craving Tech) pontificates on the subject on Nuffnang Australia, and does so rather well, without excess heat and with lots of good facts. I don’t have the minimum 30 days experience Michael suggests with Blogger,…
(Note: Page author Henry Neufeld is compensated for sales made through links on this page.)